I have an obsession with Anthony Wedgewood Benn. Some would call in unhealthy. I despise his prognostications about capitalism and socialism. He behaves like a wizened old master, one who dispenses invaluable advice and is always right. Tony Benn has never been right in his entire life. He is a filthy hypocrite.
He preaches redistribution of wealth. Tony Benn has an estimated fortune of £4,000,000. He hasn't voluntarily redistributed the wealth himself. He could easily do so by donating his fortune to the Treasury so they can hand it out to poor communities. It could make a big difference to a lot of lives.
He preaches the abolition of private property and nationalisation. Benn has a country house, Stansgate Estate, and a house in Holland Park, one of the most exclusive areas in London. He could nationalise these houses and let the poor live in them. They are very substantial properties. Many homeless people throughout London could have easy shelter. But Benn dosen't practice what he preaches. He claims to be a representative of the working classes. As long as he dosen't have to live like on eh!
Benn is far too rich to know what it is like to live on a very low wage. He dosen't know what it is like to be worried about making the payments on final warning notices. So Benn should cease being the monstrous hypocrite he so obviously is.
Like all socialists, Benn lives by the creed;
''Do as I say, not as I do.''
The Truth About Benefit Reforms
4 days ago
Tony Benn is true great, standing up for the less well-off. The real villians are the political right whose attitude is let the rich get richer while the poor get poorer, more right bullshit
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ReplyDeleteTony Benn is no different to all other socialists. It's easy to campaign for the poor when the money is to come from someone else's pocket. Only idiots fall for his "standing up for the less well-off". Intelligent people would see through the old goat.
ReplyDeleteI have yet to meet a socialist who doesn't behave like a capitalist when the opportunity arises to line his/her own pocket. Disgusting despicable morally corrupt creatures, the lot of them.